
Wanderlust war bereits ein mittelhochdeutsches Wort und beschreibt die Lust am Wandern, den steten inneren Antrieb, sich zu Fuß die Natur und die Welt fern der Heimat zu erschließen // A middle-high German word describing the joy of wandering, the constant urge to walk through nature and the world far from home.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wittenberg Blasorchester // My adventures in German polka

        As some of you may know, I am now a proud member of the Lutherstadt Wittenberg Blasorchester! Blasorchester is a fancy word for Wind Orchestra, which here really means a brass band with a handful of clarinets and saxophones. I am actually the first flautist they have had in five years, and the only woman that has played in the band in at least that amount of time, I'd say. It is absolutely wonderful. They are the kindest, most generous, most rambunctious bunch of old German men I could ever have the pleasure of playing music with. And as with most German occasions, band rehearsal is always a reason for celebration (if there is no beer, they aren't playing).
        We had our first "concert" type performance last weekend, in the next village over (Dobien I believe). My Aunt Barb was able to get a video of one of our songs, so here it is for kicks. I am the second from the left in the first row (wearing a sweater over my lovely maroon 1980s sport coat uniform because it was chilly that day and our conductor was worried I would catch cold). Enjoy!

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