
Wanderlust war bereits ein mittelhochdeutsches Wort und beschreibt die Lust am Wandern, den steten inneren Antrieb, sich zu Fuß die Natur und die Welt fern der Heimat zu erschließen // A middle-high German word describing the joy of wandering, the constant urge to walk through nature and the world far from home.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Mailing Address, for those with good penmanship

I love to write letters. So for those with good handwriting (this part is flexible), and a few extra cents for international postage (unfortunately this part is not), here is my mailing address (I promise a reply):

Colleg Wittenberg
Kelsey Swindler
Jüdenstraβe 8
06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Deutschland

We arrived yesterday in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, and I am venturing out this afternoon to buy some cheesy Luther postcards (they are everywhere) and snap some photos, so another--more colorful--post will be coming in a bit.

Bis später (later)!

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